Outdoor Minimalist Podcast

Episode 19 - Deer Hunting, Sustainability, And Conservation

In episode 19 of the Outdoor Minimalist Podcast, we are going to be discussing the topic of hunting on the show for the first time. In creating this podcast, I was unsure about including activities like hunting and fishing, but I thought it a missed opportunity if we didn’t as they are a huge sector of the outdoor industry. Sportsmen contribute immensely to the conservation of our wild spaces and to me, discussing how hunting can help you feel more connected to the land is important. To help me introduce the topic of hunting to the show, I am excited to introduce Kalli Hawkins.

WTIP North Shore Community Radio

Where Are They Now?

In this segment of WTIP’s Where are they now? series, WTIP’s Rhonda Silence speaks with Kalli Hawkins, a 2006 graduate of Cook County High School who has been living in Colorado until recently. Kalli has turned her personal adventure journal into a career as a freelance outdoor writer. Here’s their conversation.